Media and Information Literacy as practiced on both personal and professional level

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Media and Information Literacy as practiced on both personal and professional level

Image result for Media literacy is what people finds, it identifies the primary role of informationMedia literacy is what people finds, it identifies the primary role of information in which we encounter them in our daily lives. The freedom of expression and information, authorize the citizens to understand fully what was the point of media through critical thinking, analyzing and value information provided as a producer and consumer of media. Information literacy is increasingly important in the beginning of this environment due to its unstoppable  rapid change of technologies and their information sources. But because of this many different parts and connected parts of environment, individuals are faced with a massive difference, a plentiful information sources on their academic studies, their workstation and their personal use.
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However information can be found at the libraries, community resources, organizations, internet and more. Information is usual to disciplines, studying environments and all positions of education, in which it enables the learners to widen their investigations or learning skills and acquire their massive control of learning. It is important to be media literate because if a person who does not understand what the message was meant by the media, although the person understand well like for example they imitate some actions like the video games or their friends, the person does not understand what they imitates until they grow older same thing like basing the person’s understanding on what the person read or see, but does not understand fully what media wants to understand them deeply, making their understanding uneducated thoughts or ideas and they understand it incorrectly. Without understanding the media, the person is unable to take part of it, they lack of knowledge that the person is unable to nourish things more, learn and enhance itself to media, like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more on media related services. While people who are educated are able to make changes and differences.

Image result for awareness of trickery in mediaThere is an alternative way to be a media literate person, reading articles and exploring their self to media to know what are the happenings in the world that are full of trickery that happened at the same time, how individuals interact to society, educating themselves deeply through exploring media and more of their functions. Actually these media and information literacy is more practiced as each generations passed by, it is commonly used to communicate people, interacting businesses, organizations and more. During the past era, communicating to someone is somewhat difficult because it is not yet covered with the power of high technologies, in which people nowadays fell into the laziness due of what the modernized technologies could do to them. That old generation time, there is a media literate person but their equipment are not yet improvised or let’s just say the old generation gadget needs improvement. Unlike in today’s latest era, people are filled with their laziness, in which they just depend on the gadget which could sustain their lives, depending on the net, they prefer surfing the net than to scan books because they found it easy and more reliable to use, I could say that we the latest generation people are the luckiest among all of the passed late eras, our communication is more easy and compare to the old generation times, their life is difficult because their society is not yet well developed, few people are media literate that time and money was hard to find unlike with our times, many jobs are offering which gives people a vital information on what they could benefit through the use of media, not only media but other things in which could sustain their living.
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One of this point is to spread an information through communicating someone with the help of media. Media and Information literacy is closely associated to stable learning. However it enables individuals, communities and nations attain their goals and take advantage of emerging opportunities in the evolving global environment for the shared benefits of individuals. We the individuals have the intellectual activities like thinking and reasoning help others how to learn more the basics of media. Information literacy extends learning and provides practice of investigations as we individuals move into temporary jobs, on the job training and more. Acquiring skills in Media and Information literacy gives a lot of opportunity of students they could learn and engage in a vast variety of information sources of information sources like exploring news and other real information things related, not only students but also professional people. To take advantage of problem-based learning, a person must use their thinking skills, making them become a skilled users of information sources on many locations and media formats. Increasing their responsibility every time they learn. Media educators based their teaching the concepts of information literacy, provides a true effective foundation for examining mass media and popular cultures. A person needs a feedback to reflect their process and development in their mastery of media and information literacy. However this also informs them what they have done are much important of their turn of events.
Image result for make conscious choicesMedia and Information literacy are formed by individuals who make conscious choices on what is included or not and what to present and more of informative things which are related into this, their choices are formed by an opinion of people and assumptions as well as media they are exposed of. In fact we view them on what is real. Media and Information literacy is usually practiced either personal or public. When in personal media, it is like you are interviewing a person concerning one’s private life, relationships, etc. And in public, you are doing something that attracts the attention of the public, so anyone will know what you did in public. Information is what people finds, it is where they based their knowledge acquiring information on other people and how effective they are. It is one of the important things in which it is needed in business, interacting to someone, creating evidences and more.
Image result for Makes a real information makes the people aware on what is happening on them
Making a real information makes the people aware on what is happening on them or in places that just happened the same time but occurred at different places. Giving information makes the person curious because it allows the person find out what does that mean or why is it that it is bothering their mind. Media and Information can be applied to all places but with classical approach, you introduce things through personal which there is a limit of audiences or in public like everyone will caught their attentions to you. One example of this are the miss candidates, which allows themselves to gain support of fans spread throughout the world. This is a way that it motivates the candidates to work harder because their fans are giving them support just to let their chosen candidate win. This is an example of giving information in a public way where anyone could see your actions.


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